Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesdays Have Become My Mondays (and White Chicken Enchiladas recipe)

Don't know why it is that my Tuesdays have become far too hectic for an already crazy mom of two but they have! I love every opportunity to get out of the house with the kids because we so easily get "cabin-fever" around here. We're just the up-out-and-about type, I suppose. So, that all being said, I realize it's entirely my fault that our third day of the week is nuts but hey--I wasn't complaining. Just pointing out a fact :)  
Tonight, WE are having leftover meatloaf with other fixins and Sister Shubert rolls. Just about everything I cook is homemade. When Luke (my almost 3 yr old and the oldest) started eating real people food (not the icky pureed stuff--bleh), he became the typical toddler and became a picky eater. But not in the norm as most kids in that he did NOT like pizza, or mac n' cheese, or mashed potatoes or chicken. Spaghetti was pretty much all he liked to eat. Still is his favorite but now he does eat every single one of those including MUCH more: chicken enchiladas, meatloaf, chili, blackened fish, chicken spaghetti, potato soup and gobs more! But the kicker is, I don't buy store bought mac n' cheese or potato flakes or the already made enchilada sauce. I buy all the ingredients necessary to cook the meals from scratch. And boy does he LOVE it! Can't express how happy it makes me to know I can cook something and NOT have to force my child to eat it or he goes to bed hungry. Now, Luke isn't by any means perfect with his eating, though. I still have the worse time getting him to eat most greens. But I also have that problem with my husband :/

Last night, for the second time of trying it out, I cooked the most amazing chicken enchiladas I have ever tasted! Pretty simple to make and like I said, my 3 yr old LOVES them! Also made some homemade Mexican rice with them which turned out pretty good but I'm not entirely convinced on it so it's back to the drawing board for figuring out something better!

White Chicken Enchiladas

10 soft taco shells
2 cups cooked shredded chicken
2 cups shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
3 tbsp. butter
3 tbsp. flour
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup sour cream
1 (4oz) can diced green chilies

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9"x13" baking dish.
2. Mix chicken and 1 cup shredded cheese. Roll up in tortillas and place in pan.
3. In a sauce pan, melt butter, stir in flour and cook 1 minute. Add broth and whisk until smooth. Heat over medium heat until thick and bubbly.
4. Stir in sour cream and chilies. Do not bring to boil, you don't want curdled sour cream.
5. Pour over enchiladas and top with remaining cheese.
6. Bake 22 minutes and then under high broil for 3 minutes to brown the cheese.

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